
The diseases associated with disorders in the liver are many and with diverse causes; but we will focus attention on the three main and most common conditions that can affect this organ. These are the most common diseases of the liver .



First jaundice. In this disease, bile accumulates in the bloodstream and the tissues of the body are dyedyellow . The first place that you notice is in the white part of the eyes , but over time the whole body is covered in this tonality, it can even be seen in the urine and the sweat that come to have a yellowish tint. This disease is usually caused by one of three situations: a) it can be a disease hereditary that also affects the spleen; b) it may be due to gallstones that obstruct the duct from the liver; and c) may be caused by a liver infection known as hepatitis.





The second disease that can damage the liver is hepatitis. It is often caused by a viral attack , by which the organ swells causing a terrible pain in the right side of the body. There has to be a long period to be noticedRecovery ; Although many patients are completely relieved, there is no guarantee that this will happen in 100% of cases. The symptoms of hepatitis have a slow onset and therefore difficult for early detection. It is usually accompanied by fever, clear loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Jaundice, as already mentioned, also occurs frequently due to hepatitis, that is why this disease demands the best and most timely medical care .



The third disease that is commonly known among those that damage the liver is cirrhosis. Although it is one of theliver diseases most common, it is also one of the most misunderstood. In this the liver has a rough appearance, which was previously thought to be the direct result of chronic alcoholism. As its cause remains a mystery, it can exist undetected for many years.

Sometimes the inflammation of the abdomen by an accumulation of aqueous fluids inside, this symptom may arouse the suspicion in the patient that Something's wrong . On other occasions, threw up sudden in large quantities mixed with blood from some broken vein in the stomach, it can also be an indication of the disease .

In the later stages of cirrhosis, blood can not easily circulate through the liver and he is forced to find and build new channels through which to flow; then you can see large veins on the surface of the abdomen and the skin that covers thethoracic wall of these individuals. Cirrhosis is usually diagnosed after it has been around for a long time, and then it is considered incurable , but doctors can generally prolong comfortable life through medications,blood transfusions , diet and other measures.

These are the most common diseases of the liver , some can be prevented.


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Video Medicine: What is Jaundice in Newborns? (April 2024).