Israel develops vaccine vs. cancer

The Cancer It is one of the most difficult battles to fight for today's medicine. The more years we live, the more likely we are to end up suffering from it.
The Israeli company Vaxil BioTherapeutics developed a therapeutic vaccine against Cancer . He is currently in clinical trials and could be in the market in about 6 years.
The vaccine will be administered not only to help treat the Cancer , but to prevent recurrence, and is being tested to attack a type of blood cancer, better known as multiple myeloma.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the specialist in multiple myeloma, Víctor Salinas, explains the characteristics of this condition:

If the substance works as expected, the technology of VaxHit could apply to 90% of all cancers hitherto known, including prostate and of mom , solid and non-solid tumors.
"With cancer, the body knows that something is wrong, but the immune system does not know how to protect itself against the tumor, as it does against an infection or virus. This happens because cancer cells are the very cells of our body that are acting in the wrong way, "says Julian Levy, CFO of the company in the company's statement.
The trick is to activate the immune system so you know how to attack the Cancer


How does the vaccine work?

A vaccine Traditionally it helps the immune system defend itself from invasions or attacks from third parties, such as bacteria or viruses. It is administered in the infected person to prevent the occurrence of a disease. The therapeutic vaccines, such as Vaxil, are applied in people already sick, and have a function more similar to that of a medicine.
, the product of the company, "trains" the T cells of the immune system, which protect the body by locating and destroying cells that have a molecule called MUC1.
MUC1 is typically found in the cells of Cancer , and not in healthy cells. T cells then attack all those cells with the labeled molecule, so there are no side effects like in the case of chemotherapy.
For him Cancer In advanced stages, surgeries and chemo will still be necessary, but if the Cancer is in early stage, the body could handle it on its own.

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Video Medicine: Cancer Vaccine Research - Mayo Clinic (April 2024).