Is your enemy you?

It is said that "each person is the author of their own destiny", but how much truth is there in it? According to expert Raimón Samsó When making a decision, people have to interact with two aspects: the internal one, which happens in the mind and consists of a fight that has to be resolved before a life challenge, and the external one, in which one must act and solve. However, within this process the pretexts .


In the face of danger or change, there is a tension in the individual between what he should do and what he decides not to do. This distance creates discomfort, annoyance,  anguish. Before this appear the pretexts to appease the internal discomfort.Noemí Suriol, physiotherapist, director of the Lenoarmi center, in Barcelona .


Is your enemy you?

However, what are the pretexts that prevent you from reaching your goal ? Here we tell you with information from Juan Celis Maya, expert in productivity and time management.

1. I do not need to do that now. Another way to express this excuse is by saying things like: "Well, I could also do it tomorrow, today I want to rest, I'm busy. When you feel that you have a lot of time to do what you have to do, you tend to leave everything for later and to procrastinate.

2. It's not a good time. It is simply a justification sought for the fact that you are not prepared for a change or that you have fear.

3. Is it really important? Whether for fear of failing, sloth , or perhaps because you have to do uncomfortable tasks, you begin to doubt what you want or the goal you want.

4. What if I fail? Success is the progressive realization of a dream. It is not a destination, it is a process. That is, the day you eliminate the fear of failure and start the day to fulfill your dreams, That day you started to be successful.

5. It's too late. Many people believe that they are already "older" to go out and fight for their dreams However, the limit and the moment you only put it.

These pretexts can prevent you from achieving your goals. Remember, in your hands is to overcome them, not because others ask you to, but because of your desire to achieve and grow. Beware!

Video Medicine: Overcoming your own worst | Kent Grosswiler | TEDxYearlingRoad (April 2024).