IPN scientist discovers natural spermicide

The scientist Rafael Silva Torres , of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), managed to obtain a natural spermicide from the Mexican plant known as always alive (Sedum praealtum) and its discovery has already been published in several international scientific journals.

After years of research, Silva managed to isolate an organic compound from the plant and check their spermicidal properties, which were already popular among populations of Guerrero, Michoacán, Estado de México and Morelos.

The project seeks to make available to the population a cheap, safe and natural product , that can contribute to the decrease of the birth rate in Mexico and help the Family planning , since it is estimated that following the pattern of population growth, could double in just 28 years, said the specialist.

The pill has no side effects and it will be cheaper than its competitors in the market. The scientist said there is a possibility that the product is on sale in two years.

Source: Mexico.vg and La Jornada.

Video Medicine: University of Stuttgart (MOOC@TU9) (April 2024).