Internet addiction causes brain damage

The Chinese Academy of Sciences affirms that the addiction to Internet causes brain damage to adolescents comparable to those who produce alcohol consumption and cocaine.

Researchers suggest that excessive use of the network among minors, whose brain has not yet reached its full development, it can cause damage to "white matter" of this organ.

Constant exposure wears the myelin , a substance that covers and protects neuronal fibers ; they transmit the electric charges in the Central Nervous System , and in such simile the myelin would be comparable to the plastic coverage of a cable, as it affects the neuronal communication .

In this type of addiction it is not the concrete activity that generates the dependence, but the relationship that is established with it. Access to pornography , videos, artists, social networks , email, etc., create a destructive correlation that the subject is unable to control.

The addiction to Internet It should be treated like any other co-dependent disease, since both physical and psychological damage permanently damage the Health of the adolescents.

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