Informal jobs for older adults


According to estimates of the National Population Council (Conapo) of the 9.1 million older adults in Mexico, 80% perform some informal activity. Of them, only 20% have a formal job.


It is estimated that 3.3 million carry out some economic activity; less than 50% live in the countryside and work in the agricultural sector and 26.14% do not receive income.


The panorama for older adults is not encouraging, because 4 out of 5 do not have any type of pension.

Therefore, the Inapam carries out various actions to promote the work culture in the elderly, because in addition to having the ability to continue to develop, their quality of life improves.


It has been proven that older adults who work, increase their self-esteem, coexist more, their memory is strengthened and their mood improves significantly. Several more reasons, to keep them active.

Video Medicine: Enhancing informal adult learning for older people in care settings (April 2024).