Infinite variety!

Eating breakfast an hour after getting up will allow you to burn more calories, reduce your appetite and avoid some intestinal discomfort, says the dietitian Constance Brown-Riggs. Ideally, every morning consume foods rich in vitamins and proteins; example, a smoothie with turmeric.

Doing it is easy, just mix 1 cup of almond milk, 1 fresh banana, ½ tablespoon of cinnamon, ½ teaspoon of turmeric and 1 tablespoon of chia seeds. Ready! Avoid inflammation with this smoothie

However, if you do not like this combination another option is your Detox program 7 days. This favors the elimination of toxins from your intestine, often causing swelling and discomfort.


Infinite variety!

According to National Institute of Health of the United States, Turmeric prevents intestinal gas and stomach swelling, but it is not the only food that has this effect. Here we present three smootihes that will eliminate your inflammation every morning.

1. No calories. In the blender stir 1 / "of cold chamomile tea, 1 cup of chopped pillage, ½ of plain yogurt, one tablespoon of honey, 1 cup of ice.

2. Fruits of the forest. A spoonful of ginger, 2 cups of green leafy vegetables (kale, cabbage, lettuce), 1 cup of coriander, 1 cup of frozen blackberries.

3. Anti-inflammatory. Mix two red apples, two pears, half a tablespoon of nutmeg and one of cinnamon.

If you want to lose weight and avoid inflammation, t u breakfast should not exceed 350 calories: example, is what contains a coffee with milk, two scrambled eggs and 75 grams of ham.Test it!

Video Medicine: Infinite variety of Creation comes from nothingness - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (April 2024).