Infallible anti aging techniques

Do you want to live a long and healthy life, while successfully preventing the aging ? We remind you that before undertaking any regime to combat age, you should review your expectations.

First, the aging It is a natural process and the obsession to fight it is bad. However, it is absolutely important and beneficial to try to stay healthy. Health preserves youth and ensures that it will not age prematurely.

It is necessary to understand that the routine to combat aging it must be applied in a constant and responsible manner.

Think about what will stop the process of aging In a miraculous and instantaneous way with a pill or any panacea, it is a serious mistake. Health and well-being are achieved with a balance between the components of life, which are the mental health , physical Y emotional .

Healthy body

The Physical Health it is achieved with nutrition adequate and the exercise constant. Keeping the body healthy ensures that its functioning will not be impaired. The disruption of this balance and the diseases cause damage to cells and its accumulation is what causes aging .

Healthy mind

To the get older , we lose neurons that are irreplaceable, in fact, at an advanced age, the damage to brain it begins to manifest in the form of dementia .

It is a reality that throughout our lives, we lose neurons in a natural way, but there are certain factors that accelerate this loss and affect the mental faculties. In addition to stimulating our mind and try to keep learning, the nutrition balanced and the physical exercise They are essential to maintain the health of our mind.

Healthy feelings

Our emotions they are really the result of chemical reactions in our body. There are certain substances and hormones that are released depending on the stimuli we experience.

These can send signals to brain that dictate our emotions. It is the reason why it is important to combine our mental and physical health.

A good balance between both ensures our well-being. If we can not control our emotions and succumb to stress, it will alter our health. The stress It affects the body, if we leave it, it can provoke irrational behavior.

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