Increase your

Hippocrates already said it, considered the father of medicine "Let food be your food, and food your medicine." And do not be wrong. Food is the basis of human health; from it he obtains the essential nutrients to maintain vital functions.

According to publications in the specialized journal Nature Medicine , the immune system The human being is based on the balance between foreign agents or "invaders" and the neutrality of healthy tissues in the body, which is why it is also called "defense system".


Increase your "defenses"!

How to achieve it? Know the recommendations of the experts and improve your quality of life. Know them!

1. Grapes and blueberries. According to the Institute Linus Pauling (LPI) in the Oregon State University (OSU) red grapes contain resveratrol and pterostilbene blueberries, both substances with properties to strengthen the immune system.

2. Vitamin C. Foods such as kiwi, guava or lemon increase the formation of interferon, substance that improves the immune capacity.

3. Vitamin E. Whether in supplement or in foods such as nuts and whole grains, vitamin E is considered an antioxidant and increases the immune response during infections.

4. Sex According to the German magazine Psychologie Heute , practicing sex two or three times a week reinforces the immune system.

5. Pets. A study conducted by the University Hospital of Kuopio in Finland, it indicates that babies who live with a pet are less susceptible to respiratory infections, because pets help the maturation of the immune system of children.

6. Smile According to the doctor in syneoneuroimmunology, Lee Berck of the Loma Linda University in California, laughter helps in the activity of lymphocytes to kill microbes or fight cancer cells.


November or May?

A British study published in the magazine JAMA Neurology , reveals that the month in which you are born has an influence on the development of the immune system.

During the investigation it was found that people born in the month of May have approximately twice as many autoreactive T lymphocytes (give rise to autoimmune diseases), compared to people born in the month of November.

November. The researchers conclude that those born in the month of November are less likely than those born in the month of May to autoimmune diseases.