INC creates first virtual classroom in Latin America

The National Institute of Cardiology (INC) "Ignacio Chávez" creates the first virtual classroom in Mexico and Latin America to promote the training and qualification of teachers and medical students, doctors, nurses and health specialists, in some subjects in particular.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the doctor Jesús Antonio González-Hermosillo , medical deputy director and director of the virtual classroom, points out that this educational project aims to offer information about some cardiac problem in particular through the Internet.

The specialist details that the first course, with more than 30 lessons taught by cardiologists, neurologists and hematologists, is called actualities in the management of atrial fibrillation .

In addition, in the virtual classroom, educational materials and didactic resources are developed in different formats, for the benefit of the users; and it can be viewed from mobile devices or a desktop computer.

The specialist points out that the Mexican Board of Cardiology is the organization that is in charge of certifying registered users in the virtual classroom, that is, it awards a score to those who have the necessary knowledge to use the knowledge in their professional practice.

The first course on atrial fibrillation will be available in the virtual classroom at the end of August 2012 and will remain online until the beginning of 2013, inía.

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Video Medicine: Reimagining Classrooms: Teachers as Learners and Students as Leaders | Kayla Delzer | TEDxFargo (April 2024).