Improve your productivity!

To be more productive and enjoy every activity we do, it is important to have a good dream and an example is the successful characters and entrepreneurs, but what are the routines of break of successful people?

The National Sleep Foundation recommend sleep between seven and nine hours a day to have a good quality of life, however, successful people like Barack Obama , United States's president; Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, among others, are on the boundary of this board.


Improve your productivity!

The lack of dream It affects the area of ​​the brain responsible for making decisions, as well as creative thinking, memory and how the body reacts. If you want to avoid these damages, follow these tips from successful people.

To read a good book

To the billionaire Bill Gates He likes to read before going to sleep, because he assures that it helps him fall asleep. After seven hours of dream , the entrepreneur is ready to work and his creativity is at a good level.

Ending the earrings before sleep

A great example of this is Barack Obama , president of the United States, who prefers to answer all State calls and solve immediate problems before going to bed.

Avoid drinks with caffeine

Elon Musk, co-founder of PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla Motors , he had more than eight drinks with caffeine a day, which affected his rest, so he reduced his intake and slept better and performed better during the day.

Turn off the phone

The doctor Lisa Shives , specialist in Northshore Sleep Medicine , details that the phones or other gadget must be turned off before sleeping or otherwise they only keep the brain alert and do not let it rest.

Avoid sugary foods

Forget foods rich in starch or sugar because they will only give you a temporary injection of energy, which alters your quality of sleep. If you have a note of something, prefer a protein such as ham or panela cheese.

Enjoy the morning light

Awakening when it is still night predisposes your body to fatigue. One way that successful people have to solve this situation is to observe and enjoy the sunrise.

It is also very important that you follow a routine of dream , that is, that you fall asleep at the same time and do not allow anything to distract you, unless it is something very urgent.

Video Medicine: 15 Ways To Improve Productivity (April 2024).