Improve your performance!

To download weight and burn fat naturally you only need to drink two cups of coffee a day and supplement it with cardiovascular exercise . Would you like to know why? Find out below.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Ruth Pedroza Islands , Coordinator of Food Engineering at the Universidad Iberoamericana , ensures that caffeine has a thermogenic effect that induces the loss of weight and adipose tissue, especially in the waist area.

Nescafé also spokeswoman details that by consuming one or two cups without sugar in the morning the body uses the power to burn grease of this drink, and if it is complemented with a exercise cardiovascular or some physical activity the results will be better.

Go ahead and leave the sedentary lifestyle To one side, include coffee in your diet and walk a little in the morning to your work, and do not forget to take a balanced diet.


Improve your performance!

With this drink burns grease not only will you feel happy and young, but you will improve your physical performance, by the stimulating action and ergogenic effect of caffeine, that is, increases muscle power in relation to the exercise bodily.

In addition, coffee generates a greater secretion of endorphins , which delays the appearance of pain in the face of excessive physical effort. So if you enjoy and enjoy all the Benefits of this fat burning beverage . And you, how many cups of coffee do you drink per day?

Video Medicine: 8 Ways to Increase Your Mental Performance - Mindset Monday (April 2024).