Improve your figure with Power Flex

During the last years, different currents of physical activities have been developed, in a large part of the world, which are focused on mixing and exercising the body and mind of people. Power Flex emerged as part of this new era.

This training is built with three pillars: yoga, pilates and tai-chi. Power Flex is a program that includes relaxation exercises, stretching, gymnastics and dance, which, together, help to increase the strength, flexibility and posture of the person who practices it.

Built by disciplines that promote balance between body and mind , power flex is integrated by movements that start from the power center of our body: trunk, abdomen and back.

A Power Flex routine is composed of several steps, which change depending on the coach; however, there are elements that are basic:

1. Warm-up: this is done through fluid, slow and controlled movements, which use the weight of one's body.

2. Following the rhythm of the warming, each movement is printed strength and flexibility. Here the most important thing is that the energy flows to generate a balance between body and mind .

3. In each exercise you must print strength in the abdomen and spinal, in addition, try that your postures are the best for the benefit of your back.

The benefits that can be obtained with the practice of the Power Flex program are many: it improves posture, helps to reduce osteoporosis problems, relieves pain in the waist and, above all, generates well-being in body and mind . Try it!

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Video Medicine: Waterproofing My Life With FLEX TAPE - JonTron (April 2024).