Improve your appearance and your sex life

There are many physical and psychological factors that intervene in the decrease of libido in a relationship, the obesity It is one of them; however, different methods to lose weight as a good diet, exercise , or even a bariatric surgery increase sexual desire in the couple.


The bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed in the stomach, in order to help those who suffer from a morbid obesity , by decreasing and improving conditions such as Mellitus diabetes , hyperlipidemi to, hypertension Y obstructive sleep apnea .


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Take back your sex life!


The obesity It is a condition that can cause severe health problems, but how does it affect sexual life? According to the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania , the bariatric surgery It is a good option for increase sexual desire l. During the study, 106 women with a high body mass index stated that the obesity generated a high level of stress in your body, which caused some sexual dysfunction.


The women subjected to this operation lost around 32.7% of weight during the first year and 33.5% at the end of the second. The doctor in charge of the research, David Sarwer , noted that women undergoing bariatric surgery regained sexual desire significantly, as well as excitement and lubrication.


The National Survey of Health and Nutrition , published in 2012, highlights that 3% of the population in Mexico suffers morbid obesity , a pretty alarming index. Therefore, this type of surgery can be an alternative to achieve a healthy weight, improve the sexual desire , emotional state and increase reproductive hormones.


Another healthier option apart from the bariatric surgery to increase sexual desire , and that can help achieve the same result, is a balanced diet and practice 30 minutes of exercise up to date.

Video Medicine: EASY 100% Effective No B.S Spell To Enhance Your Sex Appeal (April 2024).