Importance of warming before exercise

The heating Y stretching of muscles is essential when undertaking any physical activity or sports. With a simple but well done routine, we can prevent sprains , tears Y kinks that can cause us serious fractures. According to the experts of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases of the United States, one of the most common injuries is the ankle and to avoid it advise always perform a stretch or warm-up before exercising or practicing sports , and above all, do not carry out activities for which you are not well trained. Another recommendation is to make sure that the shoes we wear fit the feet properly and that they protect the ankle and other joints of a unnecessary effort .

What is the warming up for?

It is known as heating the series of exercises and movements soft that we must perform before any main sport and that help the body to go preparing Y adapting to the different phases of said activity. One of the main objectives of the warming is prevent injuries and restore the mobility of the joints. According to sports doctors, the warm-up should include:


  • Exercises mobility joint, to prepare the joints
  • Activities of elevation of the pulse, to prepare the cardiovascular system
  • soft stretches sustained, to prepare the muscles, associated ligaments and connective tissues
  • Movements related to the activity itself, to prepare the device neuromuscular

The benefits of stretching after exercise

When we exercise our muscles and joints they work hard and they they contract Y expand several times. When we finish exercising, it is highly recommended to stretch so that the muscles and joints reduce their intensity for the effort and return to their natural state. In addition to reducing muscle tension, improve posture and prevent injuries , the stretches contribute to optimize coordination and fluidity of our movements, as well as blood circulation. Specialists recommend that all stretches be as wide as possible without ever reaching pain. It is important to resist in the maximum stretch posture between 15 and 30 seconds and not to exceed that point to avoid causing injuries. It's advisable perform the routine as usual .

Video Medicine: What is the importance of proper warm up and cool down? (April 2024).