If you are at work

Not only hunger or desire to eat affects our daily diet, but also the environment. There are foods that we should avoid to lose weight. According to Jane Ogden and his book "Psychology of the feeding", Healthy eating is considered important because it influences health in two main ways:

1. Protects against the development of diseases.
2. Help control and treatment of diseases already diagnosed.

Therefore in GetQoralHealth com we give you some simple tips to control your diet immediately and take care of your figure:


If you are at work

1. Avoid placing your snack or "lunch" near the place where you work. This can generate anxiety that is a cause of overweight and obesity, keep it in the office refrigerator or in your bag until it is consumed.

2. Eat your snack or lunch when you are not so hungry. You will also avoid the anxiety of thinking about eating it and eating too many calories.

3. Avoid going out to buy the first thing you see. If work stress makes you run to the first high-speed fast food establishment, better always take with you a healthy snack such as fruits (apple, pear, strawberries), vegetables (jicama, cucumber, beet or carrot), nuts or a cold tea sweetened with sweetener.


If you are at home

1. Avoid easy access to industrialized foods. Do not buy cupcakes, fries or soups in a glass.

2. Keep your refrigerator full of fresh foods, place containers with grated vegetables such as jicama, cucumber and carrots to facilitate access for them in your family.

3. Choose to have white meats in your freezer, either fish or chicken, you can also buy canned tuna in water or sardines.

4. Always place fruits washed and disinfected in the fruit bowl of your table to favor consumption.

Remember that the environment can surround us with "temptations" causing an impact on your health, mainly due to the rhythm of life, in which we lack time to plan and prepare our meals. Give yourself a few minutes and Take care of your health and figure!