If you already have the symptoms ...

An infection in the urinary tract may be due to problems in the kidneys, vegija or urethra and is usually manifested by an urgent need to go to the bathroom or difficulty urinating.

The most common disease is called cystitis, urethritis or kidney infections, whose symptoms can be any of the following:

  • Turbid color in the urine (blood, dark, bad smell)
  • Pain or burning when urinating
  • Need to urinate constantly
  • Full bladder sensation from little urinating
  • Shaking chills
  • Fever
  • Back pain

If you already have the symptoms ...

The most important thing is to go to the doctor, but these natural remedies can help you:

Garlic clove

You can peel 2 cloves of garlic and cut them into very small pieces. Boil it, strain it and you can drink this water 2 or 3 times a day.

Video Medicine: What are the Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer? (April 2024).