Identify the symptoms of breast cancer

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women in the United States and the world. Some research shows that there are several risk factors to contract this neoplasm, so it is important to know the symptoms of breast cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDI) .

The lumps in the breasts can appear for various reasons such as disease fibrocystic and cysts (small bags of fluid), but you have to be alert to any abnormal bulk that sits on the breast and go to the doctor for diagnosis.

Specialists say that the symptoms of breast cancer may be different in each person, because sometimes it can appear without any sign and discover the neoplasm through a mammography or other studies; however, the most common are:


  1. Appearance of a lump in the breasts or in the armpit.
  2. Hardening or inflammation of part of the breasts.
  3. Irritation or subsidence in the skin .
  4. Redness or peeling on the nipple or sinuses.
  5. Sinking of the nipple or pain in the area.
  6. Nipple discharge, even blood .
  7. Any change in the size or shape of the breasts.
  8. Pain in any part of the bust.

In the presence of any of these symptoms of breast cancer, you should go to a specialist, who will diagnose or rule out the disease .

Prevention increases your quality of life

Doctors recommend that women undergo different studies to detect neoplasia in a timely manner, even if they do not have symptoms of breast cancer, as well as changing some habits that will improve their quality of life, for example:

  1. Visit your doctor on a regular basis
  2. Control your weight through healthy eating
  3. make exercise
  4. Know if there is a family history of cancer
  5. Limit alcohol consumption

To detect the presence of the neoplasm, a breast self-examination should be performed in order to detect the presence of cancer cells before the first symptoms of breast cancer appear.

Other complementary studies such as mammography , the clinical breast exam , magnetic resonance imaging and the breast ultrasound , they are performed in doctors' offices or hospitals.

In the following video of the National Cancer Institute , the doctor Analie Ramírez, who leads NCI's Networks in Action program , explains the importance of clinical studies to help discover new treatment options for breast cancer:

Thanks to these studies, British scientists claim to be close to having an analysis of blood That could identify if a woman can develop breast cancer years and even decades in advance.

Researchers at Imperial College London found in several studies a strong link between cancer and molecular changes in white blood cell genes, meaning that women who had more changes in the gene were twice as likely to develop cancer. mom.

Scientists believe that identifying situations of risk from the beginning can help prevent disease or increase the chances of surviving it; however, the proof of blood It would be available between five and 10 years.

Video Medicine: Breast Cancer Symptoms, How To Spot It Early - Cancer Research UK (April 2024).