Identify if your partner is a boor! Ted helps you ...

If you believed that love is not for you, you may be wrong and that everything is due to bad choices. Ted presents you with some signs that will help you know if your partner is a boor!

1. If he prefers to be at the party that accompanies you to a super important dinner, he is a slob.

2. If you think that you are giving more in the relationship, you are the only one who does everything and when you confront him he asks you to relax, he is a slob!

3. He is not willing to give up his vices for being with you more, flee!

4. It makes your life more difficult instead of easier.

5. He talks bad about other men so you can stay with him.

6. It promises that everything will change, but it never happens.

7. What it seems, is. If you have doubts about whether your partner is a slob, he is a slob.

Despite this, Ted's last lesson was the most important. Sometimes it seems that all men are louts, but the reality is that this guy who does not treat you as you want is simply not for you. The right man with the right woman is not a boor, and that same man who was not there for you may be for a girl with whom you have more in common. In the same way, you will stop going out with louts when you find a man who is so close to you that he is not born to act as one.

This is the lesson you will see in Ted 2. This time Ted and his new wife want to have a baby, but in the process of adoption the government discovers that he is not a person but a teddy bear and declares it property, taking away all your human rights John, still suffering from his divorce, helps Ted find a lawyer with whom he soon discovers that he has much in common.

Our classification: 7/10
To see her with: couple, friends, alone
Bechdel test: Failed

Video Medicine: What your smart devices know (and share) about you | Kashmir Hill and Surya Mattu (April 2024).