Hugo Chávez suffered leiomyosarcoma

The health of the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez , it is aggravated because recently it has been detected that he suffers leiomyosarcoma in the left side of the leg and the bony pelvis, according to information published in

Also, according to statements from the Venezuelan health media, this new tumor joins the current state of the president, who presents metastasis that affects the liver , leg , pelvis and the support fabrics of the body

The leiomyosarcoma is a tumor of the support fabrics of the body, specifically in the smooth muscles . It is not a type of Cancer frequent; However, a person is at greater risk if exposed to certain chemical substances. radiotherapy or have some disease genetics .

The sarcoma is rare in adults and accounts for about 1% of all cases of Cancer in adults. However, it can originate in any part of the body, such as Bone or soft tissue . Approximately 60% of the sarcomas It begins in the arms or legs, 30% in the trunk or abdomen, and 10% in the head or neck.

The treatment of a soft tissue sarcoma it depends on its specific subtype and other factors; for example, the size and location of tumor , of your degree, of whether the Cancer has been disseminated and the general health status of the person and personal preferences.

To learn more about the latest research and treatments for this type of soft tissue sarcoma, in GetQoralHealth we show you a video of, where the specialist George Demetri explains you about it:

However, according to the specialist José Rafael Marquina, Chávez has few treatment options, so his recommendation is to intern at the MD Anderson in Houston, Texas, where he could be subjected to some experimental treatment of the second and third phases.

When the sarcoma has been disseminated, may include surgery alone, surgery plus radiotherapy , surgery plus chemotherapy or chemotherapy alone. Rarely, in the case of patients with tumors very large that affect the main nerves and blood vessels of the arm or leg, it is necessary to resort to amputation to control the tumor .

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Video Medicine: Can Hugo Chavez Beat Cancer? (April 2024).