HPV is in half of men

Half of the male population could be infected with the human papilloma virus or HPV , the virus that causes cervical cancer and other types of cancer, publishes the English scientific journal The Lancet.

American researchers recommended analyzing the possibility that mens , adults or young, should be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus.

The study investigated infection among more than 1,100 men between 18 and 70 years of age in the United States, Brazil and Mexico to obtain a small sample of the natural progression of infection in men.

"We found that there is a large proportion of men who have HPV infections in the genitals. At the time of the study, it was 50% "said Anna Giuliano , leader of the research conducted at the Cancer Center and H. Lee Moffitt Research Institute in Florida, United States.

The infection of HPV was significantly associated with high number of sexual partners feminine and masculine that the participating men had throughout their life. The incidence of HPV It was 40% per thousand men studied.

They also found that 6% of men per year will be infected with a new infection of the HPV of type 16, know that it is known to cause cervical cancer and other types of cancers in men.

HPV causes genital warts Y cancer in men . But the history of infection among men is less known than in the case of women, so more information is needed for the population and preventive strategies.

Source: Reuters and The Lancet.

Video Medicine: HPV Causing Cancer In Men (April 2024).