How to overcome a duel?

Some have called it Broken Heart Syndrome , because when someone is under stress emotional because of the loss of a child, partner or loved one, are up to four times more likely to suffer an event cardiovascular , in addition to that your immune system deteriorates; cause exhaustion , respiratory infections and ideas from death .

About, Xóchitl Duque Alarcón , from the Psychiatric Care Service of the Mental Health Commission , explains that these are symptoms associated with depression and the disorder of anxiety that suffer approximately 15 million 600 thousand Mexicans:

"Of which less than 20% ask for help, some take up to 14 years to seek attention, 30% (4.7 million) have ideas and suicide attempts, mainly women, and 6% (936 thousand) consume the suicide , especially men with some addictions. "

"There are many scientific studies that show that depression and the duel , has a relationship with heart attacks and affectations cardiac vascular , it is even considered that it is also a cause in women of osteoporosis , and in both sexes of gastrointestinal problems, colitis , gastritis Y pains in the back or anywhere else in the body. "

Duque points out that up to 70% of people manage to resolve grief, with or without medication, but the rest do not and, according to studies carried out in the United States on scales of stress , it is more difficult to solve the death of a child, followed by the loss of the couple or the separation of the same by abandonment or divorce.

Duels are not limited to couples who live together, but also when it ends with the boyfriend or girlfriend: "In general, when love becomes for both or some in a kind of addiction, physical symptoms of abstinence are suffered. you need the other person, you start having obsession and you start looking for her to bother her, etc ".

According to the experience of the specialist there are people who have suffered depression for more than 20 years and, usually, develop diseases that lead to death: "In Mexico it takes a long time to ask for help, do not know where to go or ask for it where it is not the appropriate instance. And it is very important to have a social and mental balance, "says Duque.

Usually, he clarifies, people in the face of an important loss do not "die of pain, nor of grief" as is traditionally mentioned.

However, before the death of a child or after a couple "there is a general deterioration in the state of mind of the patient who attends depression , so they can lower their defenses, increase the risk of presenting diseases that can be predisposed and can lead to death.


How to overcome a duel?

However, in the opinion of the doctor Robert Neimeyer American psychologist, expert in mourning, says that Western society does not know where to locate the suffering of a person and hopes that the grief is resolved quickly and effectively, which is an unrealistic expectation.

According to Neimeyer, "the death of a child is harder than that of an old man and natural deaths can be made a little easier than sudden deaths, but these are generalizations and you need to understand the precise relationship between the person and who died for understand its impact. "

On the other hand, there are the personal characteristics of the relatives. For the American psychologist, people who are more open, optimistic or seek meaning in the loss, suffer less than those who "live with existential questions unsolved"



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