How to know who got you from HPV?

Almost all the mens Y women have they ever had Human Papillomavirus (HPV) without knowing it. Even those who have never had warts , is usually eradicated by the body .

According to investigations of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the National Institute of Cancerology (INCan) , more than 70% of sexually active women acquire the HPV .

Most of the warts caused by HPV are temporary and they heal without treatment in a year. However, some women with infections persistent increase the risk to develop cervical cancer .


How to know who got you from HPV?

The HPV can stay in silence for many years . The appearance is not a sign that your current partner is guilty and much less that you have been unfaithful . You may have been infected years ago and remain without symptom .

Until now it was necessary to look at the microscope samples of the cervix obtained in the exam gynecological, but the American Drug Agency has replaced cytology annual for a new exam of blood that detects only the types of HPV that cause Cancer .

The types of HPV that cause warts genitals are not the same that cause Cancer neck uterine but the infections with multiple types of HPV.

Only women who have the types 16 Y 18 of HPV that cause Cancer should be done cytology to determine if there is injuries precancerous


What treatment do I recommend for HPV warts?

Thewarts caused by the HPV they never become Cancer and they can disappear without treatment . The gynecologist can eliminate them, although they sometimes reappear.


HPV in men

Most of the mens who have the HPV they do not present any symptom but if they can transmit it through sexual intercourse .


How to prevent cervical cancer?

The cytology must be done every two years to detect precancerous lesions in time, because the development of cervical cancer It takes more than 10 years.

Women older than 30 years with three normal cytologies can repeat them every three years. Those over 65 or with hysterectomy have three cytologies Normal people can stop taking the test completely.



The HPV vaccine (Gardasil) protects against both types of virus that cause the Cancer cervical and the two causative types the warts genitals. It is useful for women who have not yet started sexual intercourse because it does not provide benefit to those who are already infected .

Currently the HPV vaccine It has been approved in many countries such as Colombia, Mexico and the United States. Take care of your health and carry out medical tests every year.