How to know if someone likes you?

Among the feelings that most conflict us as human beings without a doubt one of the main ones is the love . And it is that when a person begins to like us we do not know how to react adequately to achieve an impression, the nerves They take over us and we lose control.

The infatuation could be defined as a state of instantaneous, passionate and overflowing happiness, according to Agustín Ibáñez , director of Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Neurosciences of Buenos Aires (Argentina) "in the crush are activated mechanisms such as serotonin and dopamine , which are associated with pleasure.

In the next video the public image consultant , Álvaro Gordoa , it explains the signals that the body emits unconsciously when it feels attraction for someone , if you want to give yourself the chance to win the person you like, it is certainly the first thing you should know.

At the same time that we feel that pleasure, the defense mechanisms that basically leave anyone with "the guard down", that's why the nerves take over when that person approaches.

It is important not to suffer a disappointment that we know the difference between love Y infatuation . In the first one we accept, and we choose, the couple without pretensions of wanting to change it and based on that we seek to build a life together.

On the other hand the infatuation is more intense but momentary , as soon as what initially called us that person's attention vanishes, we can terminate that relationship.

So now you know! With this guide it will be impossible for you not to discover if you like someone, that person who is special to you and who could become your Ideal pair.

Video Medicine: 24 Signs Someone Likes You More Than Just a Friend (April 2024).