How to know if he left you for a coward?

Surely they have ever left you or left a friend of yours, but ...


How to know if he left you for a coward ?

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Nélida Padilla , CES Iztacala Academic of the UNAM and specialist in couples therapy and sex education comments the following:

Really "cowardice" could be associated with fears. Fear to take the next step, afraid to commit and stop going out with other people.


There is no human being, no matter how cowardly, who can not become a hero out of love. "Plato

Many people are terrified of the simple idea of ​​staying with just one person. They relate the idea of ​​having a partner with which his social life and entertainment ended.

You can also see: Fear of not having a partner

On the other hand, some women demand too much from their partners and fill it with complaints. This causes men to get tired and flee from a relationship in which they argue more than they live.


Currently there is a crisis in relation to fears in both women and men "Dr. Nélida Padilla.

Another important factor that is also considered a sign that left you for a coward is the fear to not work; when it manifests, it is very likely that he will leave you.

It is a fear that is related to children of separated parents, it causes them much fear that history repeats itself and follow the family pattern.

From what you can see, the reasons why he left you for a coward they relate rather to fears. Fears of the past and the future ...

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Video Medicine: Endless Love (2014) - You're a Coward Scene (6/10) | Movieclips (April 2024).