How to find calm in the face of violence?

How to find the calm front acts violent ? It is a question that millions of people around the world are faced with the constant and numerous scenes of which they are victims or witnesses. This situation kills hopes, creates indignation , cause suffering and in other cases it charges lives .


Gene Sharp , author of the book From dictatorship to democracy , expresses that rebellions violent they unleash war repressions that often leave the population plus defenseless what before

He adds that the people as usual they fight bravely , paying a high price in sufferings and lives. Their achievements have sometimes been considerable, but they have almost never achieved the desired peace and freedom.


How to find calm in the face of violence?

Experts say that in general, the violence is used to intimidate , frighten mentally or emotionally or to achieve a interest individual or collective.

Although violence has extremely complex origins, a series of factors detonate it both in the family and in a nation. Among these is the environment, discrimination, segregation, social and economic marginalization, as well as ineffective justice systems, hate, drugs, alcoholism, among others.

In a familiar, social and political context with so many factors that favor and exaltan the violence , individually we can help create peace, the key is to be pacific .

The book The art of compassion, Dalai Lama He states that all people have the potential to develop inner strength and peace to gain tranquility. By consciously and constantly training the mind, a peaceful mental attitude is generated to face these critical times and difficult environments.

At video, Scilla Elworthy, the activist at the University of Oxford , explains how through themeditation and self-inspection can be found calm in a violent environment .

Video Medicine: How to Remain Calm With People (April 2024).