How to avoid leeches

Summer is here, which means more time to be outdoors and fully enjoy the sun and nature. Surely it will be very fun to try something new, closer to nature.

Do you stop because of the fear of what you might find when hiking? There is no problem with that. These are first aid tips that will help you be prepared if you run into some creatures while practicing outdoor rest.

You have probably heard of the leeches , those parasites that are found in humid areas. They are black or brown and can vary in size from half to 10 inches. These parasites adhere to the body to suck the blood with which they feed.


Finish with them ...

In the case of a leech Adhere to your body, simply use your nails to free yourself, but if you are afraid to touch it, use the flame or salt to remove it from your body. This movement, however, can cause the leech to empty the contents of your stomach and cause an infection.

What you should do is allow this parasite to fall on its own and then you should clean the area where I touch you and then apply a bandage, since the bleeding can still persist due to the anticoagulant effect of the secretions of the leeches .


Goodbye to the Ticks

If you are thinking of hiking in rainforest or scrub areas, you should be prepared to find these arthropods called ticks . At first glance, they can be confused with spiders, but in reality they are more dangerous since they are considered the main cause of human diseases in the United States. The neurotoxins in his saliva can cause paralysis and even death.

So, how to remove a tick away from your body? First, kill them with kerosene or an insect repellent that contains pyrethrins . Then, hold your head, as close to the skin as possible and slowly pull it with fine pointed forceps.

Meeting these creatures during your excursions is very possible, that is why it is important that you know these first aid tips to be prepared at all times.