How grapefruit should be consumed to eliminate excess fat

Grapefruit does not just help eliminate grease It also has antioxidant properties, is an excellent source of vitamin C, regulates high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Drinking your juice in the morning serves as alkalizing that results in the elimination of toxic waste in the body and also is good for cleaning the liver.

It helps the correct functioning of the gallbladder to eliminate fat through the intestine.

This juicy fruit has a low glycemic index, which prevents high peaks of insulin in the blood.

How important is the glycemic index to lose weight?

Weight gain occurs when the sugar ingested is not consumed in its entirety to generate energy. When this happens, insulin levels rise because sugar accumulates in the body as fat.

It is advisable to consume grapefruit (whole or in juice) before each meal, this decreases the anxiety to eat and increases the feeling of fullness. Avoid adding sugar or honey to benefit 100% of their properties to eliminate excess fat.

Although grapefruit helps us to lose those unwanted kilos, to obtain results it must be accompanied by a balanced diet and exercise.


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