How does your brain work on a diet?

Will be diet and not providing enough food to our body, and specifically to the brain, induces its cells to devour themselves (their own proteins), as a last resort to obtain energy, according to researchers from Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University in New York .

When a person is diet There are several changes in the physiology of the brain, as explained in an interview with GetQoralHealth, Ranier Gutiérrez, researcher of the Laboratory of Neurobiology of Appetite of Cinvestav-IPN:

Regarding the study published in the magazine 'Cell Metabolism ' , scientists argue that fatty acids released into the bloodstream brought to the hypothalamus, lead to neurons to autophagy .

The autophagy it is a natural process of the life of the cells, and it occurs when the organism lacks nutrients; however, it had not been confirmed that it happened in the brain as well, explains the study's lead author, Dr. Rajat Singh , according to

As soon as neurons They begin to eat themselves, the body begins to produce fatty acids, which in turn increase the levels of AgRP (neurons of the hypothalamus) in response to the signal of hunger.

The chemical reactions that occur in this region send us the signal that we are hungry and we should eat more, or that we are already satisfied and we should stop eating.

The researchers discovered that blocking the autophagy of the AgRP neurons the levels of these did not increase and therefore the hunger signal was also blocked.

Those chemical changes in the brain, thrown by experiments with mice, caused them to lose weight and lose weight after a period of fasting and burning more energy.

Therefore, this type of research could help to specifically direct actions against these signals, which increase when a diet rich in fats and sugars.

In fact, recent studies seem to warn that those with obesity morbid and they keep this kind of subsistence allowance , they gradually suffer a significant reduction in the size of their brains.

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Video Medicine: Susan Masino - Ketogenic Diet and Brain Health (April 2024).