Hot 100-calorie broccoli salad

Recent research published by the Food Research Institute in the United Kingdom , suggests that the broccoli reduces the risk of prostate cancer thanks to its high content of antioxidants . Also, for being rich in vitamin C, strengthens the immune system .

According to the study, broccoli activates the genes that prevent the development of cancerous tumors and deactivates the genes that promote the expansion of Cancer . It is also recommended in cases of fibromyalgia and injuries by human papilloma virus . Enjoy the benefits of broccoli with this rich recipe.


1 bag of florets of broccoli 1 cup of peppers 1 cup of onion 1/2 cup of raisins 2 tablespoons of light dressing 100g of ground bacon


1. Sauté onion and peppers over low heat. Add the broccoli.

2. In a large bowl, mix broccoli, peppers and onion, raisins and dressing. Sprinkle with bacon. Serves hot

To make your salad more nutritious you can add tomato, since according to specialists of the University of Illinois , an additive effect is achieved, thanks to the fact that both vegetables have components antioxidants .

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Video Medicine: Epic Greek Salad (4,000 Calories) (April 2024).