Hit me but do not leave me!

For Elena, Calvary began on the same wedding night. I had never had sex. She experienced a series of emotions: she was happy to start a life with her partner. But the violent attitude of him and the fear of what might happen, that night became the principle of sexual violence that would last about 4 years.

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Hit me but do not leave me!

Sexual violence is an act that frames aggressions such as verbal, harassment and even its most serious end, rape. These attitudes that hurt and harm women, are also given within the home, on a daily basis and the executor is the husband himself, who under physical and mental pressure subjects his wife, forces her to have sexual relations.

The doctor Juana Núñez Flores , director of the Association of Survivors of Sexual Abuse, notes that: "Rape is any attempt to engage in a sexual relationship without consent; it can be given even within marriage when the woman is forced by her spouse. "

In the experience of the specialist, the recovery process is difficult and painful, requires perseverance and discipline. "They are not magic solutions, but you can move forward.

Traumatic situations have sequelae in the short and long term, such as post-traumatic syndrome, in which, initially, the situation is not accepted, followed by reactions such as isolation, which is part of a depression process; the victim's life changes: she stops doing activities that she used to do; she feels afraid of relating to people, not only because of the fear that she produces, but also to 'protect' her husband, because she fears family disintegration. "

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The past is not forgotten, but you learn from it

The expert explains that there are two key situations to address when a violation occurs: "You should seek support and accompaniment from the family. The fact itself is a painful experience: from overcoming the fear of speaking it, presenting the complaint and the recovery work.

It requires love, solidarity and understanding for the victim. On the other hand, the family union is essential, since it allows to detect changes in the behavior of some of the members, as an indicator that something is not right ".

The significant events of our lives, whether positive or negative, leave an indelible mark. But this does not end with your existence: Today you are alive and you did not stop being intelligent, of being a good daughter, mother, sister or friend; You have not lost your ability to love, to be tenacious, to strive to achieve the goals you already had. All the qualities that you possessed before going through this painful experience and that make you unique and unrepeatable, did not disappear: they are your essence and will always remain with you.

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In your dignity you will find an ally to recover yourself and be the entrepreneurial woman you have always been.