Hip lift

Also called of "Venus" are the small holes that are marked on the lower back and, being so attractive, are coveted by those who do not have them marked .

The good news is that you can follow a small routine to define them soon. The only thing you need is perseverance.


Hip lift

Lie on your back on a mat, with your arms extended and stuck to your sides. Flex your knees and do not take your feet off the floor. Elevate the hip, so that the shoulders are aligned with your knees, and low. Do 20 repetitions.


In 4

Stand in four, with knees (flexed) and palms on the floor. Raise and extend the left arm, at the same time you raise the right leg. Stay like this for a couple of seconds, come back and do it with the opposite leg and arm. Do 15 repetitions with each side.



Sit on a mat, with your legs extended. Now, raise your right leg, at the same time you extend both arms towards it, hold for a few seconds like that, go down and change your leg. Do 15 repetitions with each leg.


Upside down

So place yourself on a rug, supporting the palms of your hands, elbows and tips of the feet on the ground. Gradually raise your trunk, stay a few seconds and low. Do 20 repetitions.


To fly

Again upside down, with the arms (above the head) and stretched legs touching the ground, raise arms and legs at the same time, just as if you were flying. Stay like this for a few seconds and go down. Do 20 repetitions.

Apply yourself fully and in a short time you will have well-defined dimples.



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