Help to overcome it ...

"If you leave me, I'll kill myself." It is a phrase of some people when their partner decides to end a relationship; that is to say, blackmail with committing suicide to keep her by his side.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the psychologist Lorena Polo, from the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM), He says that suicide is not the end, but the means to diminish a pain.


Those who threaten to take their own lives are asking for help to resolve some conflicts in it. These are codependent people who, faced with the danger of losing their loved one, resort to this type of emotional blackmail. "

The specialist reveals four reasons why an individual blackmails with suicide:

1. Cause fear

2. Psychologically assaulting others

3. Try to help someone reduce psychological pain (loss or grief)

4. Control the other to feel that he is controlling himself

5. Verify your place in someone else's life


Factors such as tolerance to frustration, support networks that have in life and personality, are key to identify if the threat is emotional blackmail or a purpose.


Help to overcome it ...

Support networks at home and at work are essential for the person to overcome emotional blackmail.

It is recommended to visit a psychiatrist to start a treatment that stabilizes your emotions, and a psychoanalyst to help you understand what you are feeling and thinking at those times.

"It is important that people who threaten suicide talk to a professional what they are feeling to prevent the threat from becoming a reality," the psychologist adds.

Video Medicine: Mental Health Help : How to Overcome PTSD (April 2024).