Help eliminate your fears!

The idea that the mens They are strong sex and, therefore, should not be afraid is just a myth, because as human beings experience the same feelings and fears than women, but what scares men?


In accordance with Charles J. Orlando, the author of "The Problem with Women ... is Men" and expert in relationships, the man it solves and dissipates its fears for itself, without the help of others, that's why it is difficult to know its deepest fears .


Help eliminate your fears!

However, there are some fears generalized, that is, most men feel and try to overcome them:

1. Not earning enough . Most men feel pressured to meet the needs of their home, especially if they are married or living with their partner.

2. Losing the job . Because the man feels that his obligation is to support his family and him, he is afraid of losing his job.

3. Get older . This natural stage of life scares them because it is related to masculinity, physical disposition and attractiveness.

4. Diseases . Most men do not go to the doctor, although they have unusual symptoms, due to the fear of having a complicated disease.

5. Satisfy your partner . It is the fear of almost all men, as it is directly involved with their self-esteem, in addition to social pressure as friends and sexual myths.

6. Fail as a dad . When faced with paternity, an infinity of fears arise, because only experience can be intimidating, filling the expectations that they and their partners have.

7. Infidelity of your partner . Just imagine that your partner has more fun with another generates feelings of fear, insecurity and failure.

To overcome the fears , men must identify them and accept them. Maybe, a good idea is to visit a specialist to help you in the process. In this way you will have a better quality of life. And you, what are you afraid of?

Video Medicine: Follow These Steps to Handle Your Child's Fears (April 2024).