Heather suffers from alcohol poisoning

Heather Locklear , 50, was hospitalized in a hospital in Ventura County, apparently, by a poisoning , according to information published in the magazine People.

In data disclosed by excelsior.com.mx , the actress ingested a mixture of substances of medical prescription with alcohol .


Discover the origin of alcohol addiction

According to a study of the University of California , addiction to alcoholic beverages is associated with the fact that brain of the person with this problem is more receptive to the substances that produce pleasure .

A group of 25 individuals, 13 of them addicted to alcohol , they underwent a brain scan of tomographies to obtain images before and after drinking.

In both groups, the release of endorphins , but only heavy drinkers experienced a greater sense of pleasure .

This finding, published in the magazine Science Translational Medicine will lead to new tools to treat the abuse of alcoholic beverages. And you, what do you feel when you drink alcoholic beverages?

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Video Medicine: Alcohol Poisoning (April 2024).