Healthy relationship with food prevents overweight

In recent years, as if it were an epidemic of gigantic proportions, there are multiple problems that overweight and obesity cause in our society.

The bad eating habits, the junk food and the lack of exercise are the main causes, but what about the role on our part emotional and mental in this?

To understand this relationship more, Maya Sigala , experienced psychologist, master in NLP, explains it through his workshop Sanamente: Ideal Weight:

It is a program that provides global solution options to reestablish health in an integral way, due to the fact that for the first time the issue of body weight from the mental, emotional, family and energetic aspect.

According to the also hypnotherapist, the system is designed for people willing to do a personal, mental, emotional and systemic (family) work that allows them to know and understand what is their relationship with food , from there, recover your ideal weight and win and preserve your health.

In this regard, he explains that the objectives to achieve are:

1. Increase your understanding of yourself, through a journey of self-knowledge .

2. Know and learn to use techniques that will put you in communication with your inner wisdom and discover the relationship between your emotional states and your physical health. As well as your type of relationship with food .

3. Discover through the understanding of yourself , what or what are the reasons that have led you to your current state and learn to use them as powerful resources to achieve your ideal health.

4. Learn to lose weight and gain health through an alliance with your personal and family conscience. This workshop self-discovery and evolution is designed for those who intuit that their health and ideal weight they do not depend on subsistence allowance and / or treatments, whose results are ephemeral.

If you want to know more and live this experience, we invite you to participate in the workshop that Maya Sigala will give to the Be Better Being Center, to be held in two parts: July 29 and August 12. For more information call 36-19-72-94 or visit And remember that we invite you to listen to us every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Report 98.5 fm. I'll wait for you there!

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Video Medicine: 15 FOODS THAT'LL NEVER MAKE YOU FAT (April 2024).