Have energy all day!

Its excessive consumption can produce overweight or obesity, but with limit carbohydrates provide the body with a large number of benefits, among which are energy.

The carbohydrates that we ingest through food become our organism in glucose; the sugar that circulates in the bloodstream and that is used as fuel for the body, especially for the brain and nervous system.

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Have energy all day!

In a balanced diet, carbohydrates should contribute between 55-60% of the total calories in the diet; proteins 12-15% and fats 25%. Each gram of carbohydrates contributes to the organism 4 kilocalories of energy, equal contribution that the proteins. But they can not be replaced by these.

To get the right dose of energy that your body needs, GetQoralHealth presents the following recipe with the Chef Many Muñoz from the program Cocinemos Juntos de Cadena Tres . Chaca this video!





1. Pasta

2. Cream

3. cheese

4. Water

5. Tomato

Although the main property of carbohydrates is to provide energy to the body, there are some that among its compounds is fiber, which cause them to be foods that satisfy the appetite. Why do not you try this delicious recipe ?!