Hands that heal!

When was the last time you dedicated time for yourself? The stress , long working hours and personal commitments, either with the couple or with the family, do not leave us time to breathe. Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of the benefits of alternative therapies such as massages to take care of your physical and emotional health.

According to specialists from Mayo Clinic , the massage It is already a necessity to enjoy optimal health and wellbeing. It consists of manipulating the skin of people through gentle movements and pressures that help to eliminate tension in certain areas of the body.

Normally the hands and fingers are used to perform the massages , but you can also use the forearms, elbows, feet, bamboo sticks, hot stones.

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Hands that heal!

There are different types of massages that improve your physical health, since they focus on certain medical conditions or situations of each patient. Do you want to know more benefits?

1. Relieves back pain According to a study published in the Scientific World Journal , massage helps eliminate low back pain, even its result is as effective as the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

2. Reduces scars due to sunburn . An investigation published in the magazine Burns He details that massage is effective to improve the pain and itching that causes a burn scar.

3. Eliminate stress S u Relaxing power is so effective that it eliminates tension, anxiety and headaches.

4. Activates circulation . Pressotherapy improves circulation, because it stimulates the lymphatic fluid that helps eliminate toxins, so forget fluid retention and inflammation. Tina Belo Beauty Therapy .

5. Reduces body fat. There are treatments called cavitation and liposis that help eliminate fat clusters naturally, such as cellulite.

In addition, other benefits of massage for your health is that it reduces digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, insomnia and joint pains. Also, it strengthens your immune system, so your body naturally fights germs and bacteria. And you, are you ready to enjoy a relaxing massage?


2 hours for you and your friend!

It is fair that you dedicate two hours for yourself and your friend or with the person you love the most. Because, GetQoralHealth and Tina Belo Beauty Therapy They give you the opportunity to give yourself a day spa by winning a 2X1 massage, to recover the best version of your body, face and hair.


How to participate?

1. Be registered at www.GetQoralHealth and check it with an image capture of your computer.

2. Follow us on our social networksFacebookPinterest , Twitter YGoogle +

3. Answer the following questions

A) I gave a benefit of the massages for your health

B) How many subscribers do you have? GetQoralHealth in your channel Youtube

4. Send your answers this Wednesday, October 1st from 12:30 to the post:contact @ GetQoralHealth  

5. The name of the winners will appear on our social networks.

Remember that the promotion is only valid in Mexico City and Metropolitan Area. Good luck!