Hammocks cause a more pleasant sleep

The smooth movement of the hammocks helps us to sleep faster and achieve greater depth of sleep than a conventional bed. Sophie Schwart of the University of Geneva , Switzerland.

In the research, published in the journal Cell Biology, Schwartz and his colleagues invited a dozen adult and healthy volunteers to sleep a 45-minute nap in a "classic" bed, and another nap in a moving bed. During each period of dream measured the activity of his brain using a encephalogram and observed that in all cases there was an important difference in the brain waves .

The conclusions reached, is that sleep with the rolling of a hammock increases the slow oscillations and the axes of the dream , which serve as a transition between light and deep sleep: "Both registers are associated with deep sleep and greater consolidation of memory. In addition, there is more capacity to tolerate noise, while they sleep, "says Schwartz.

The expert also said that during the break, with a movement of the bed, increases the duration of the Phase N2 of sleep, a type of non-rapid eye movement that occurs in the middle of a night of restful sleep.

Video Medicine: $150 Bed Vs. $159,000 Bed (April 2024).