Gratitude vs. Caprices

"Raising children would be much easier if childhood happiness depended on the amount of ice cream they eat and the time they spend in the pool. However, existential joy, at any age, depends on the positive emotions we experience ", that is, the gratitude , Explain Christine Carter , author of the book "El aprendizaje de la felicidad" by Editorial Urano, who adds that "these emotions are determined by the skills and habits we teach our children."

In the formation of children, the theme of gratitude should not be limited to just learning to give thanks, also to know that it is a way of contemplating and feeling everything that happens to them, from the ability to enjoy a pleasant climate or observe the spectacle that offers a clear sky, to what other people give us such as help, support, friendship or affection.

If the little ones learn this, they will know that happiness is as it is, everywhere and they will be clear that the way it is achieved does not depend on having that much desired toy or getting away with it and eating another fist of cookies, in looking more deeply and reflecting everything that happens to them.


The famous first step

Gratitude should be exercised to prevent it from becoming a topic that one day was discussed but that was soon forgotten. To this end, the author says that practicing it is very important and incredibly easy to do, explains that you just have to count and re count all the things that not only grateful parents feel, but also the smallest children in the home. :

  1. Create a 'thank you list' of family, in which everyone will collaborate and preferably children will write. It must be placed in a place that is visible to everyone, such as the refrigerator door.
  2. Write gratitude letters, short and long. This helps the children to be clear about who the important and valuable people are to them, as well as the reasons for their gratitude. Messages can be formed, fun or sweet.
  3. Adults can teach children to thank, only when they do too, so keep in mind that the best teacher is the example.

"In addition to teaching children to be less capricious, the habit of gratitude brings all kinds of benefits. For example, scientists have discovered that, compared to those who do not practice gratitude , the people who put into practice the gratitude are considerably more enthusiastic, curious and decided ", comments Christine Carter and concludes:" They tend to be more kind and happy people ".

Over time, children have the opportunity to provide their emotional history with concepts that help them to be more assertive in the way they live, as well as to have the certainty that their heart is exercised like that of a true champion who knows how to recognize and appreciate the emotional ties he has, since from a very young age he experienced the benefits of giving, receiving and returning.

In the midst of adversity, when it seems that everything is against him and things do not go as expected, a child who appreciates what he has will be encouraged to see the facts as tools for his own growth because he also considers what before his eyes, no matter the scenario he goes through gives him reasons to be happy and that is a treasure for life. If you want to know more information write to:  

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Video Medicine: The Gratitude Caprice - Composed for my fathers 60th birthday (April 2024).