Graphology reduces anxiety by eating

The anxiety It impacts human beings in different ways, from the state of mind, their habits and their writing. Many times this feeling promotes the need to eat food to decrease the anguish that generates, however, there are therapies such as graphology that help overcome it.

The grafologist Maria Fernanda Centeno explains that the anxiety impacts on the way of expressing ideas, so it is reflected in the way people write. It is therefore very easy to detect them with the graphology , as explained below:

According to the graphology , the handwriting of people suffering from anxiety is confusing, illegible, small, tight, uneven inclination, with delayed accents or lack of letters, unnecessary points and twists.

The specialist recommends to those affected by the anxiety write in a more rounded and slow way, so that the strokes are more readable and generates greater clarity in the creation of ideas. And you, how do you write?