Good control equal to healthy mouth

Currently, many universities around the world analyze the relationship that exists between diabetes and Health oral, says the doctor Jaime Edelson Tishman, president of the ADM-IAP Foundation.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , assures that "it is very difficult to find a person with lack of control in their levels of glucose , that does not have some kind of disease periodontal ".


Good control equal to healthy mouth

Edelson Tishman explains that many people who have diabetes and they control their sugar levels through diet and medications, generally they do not have problems in their gums .

However, when there are problems of gums It is like a symbiosis, in which it is to be checked whether diabetes causes a break in the stability of the tissues supporting the teeth or periodontal disease helps certain types of diabetes to be present, says the doctor.

The specialist details that "nowadays nobody can prove or disapprove this relationship, it is a subject that is under investigation in many parts of the world".

Meanwhile, people with or without diabetes They must carry a good hygiene buccal, to prevent the onset of periodontal diseases or the accumulation of tartar, as well as to visit the dentist regularly. And you, how do you take care of your mouth?

Video Medicine: 5 Effective Home Remedies for Gum Disease (April 2024).