Good actions reduce social anxiety

People with social anxiety who perform Good actions You may have less trouble relaxing and interacting with others, says new research.

The acts of kindness can increase the feelings of happiness and encourage a positive vision of the world. Over time, the facts that promote positive interactions may allow people with this disorder to socialize more easily, according to Canadian researchers.


"Acts of kindness can help counteract negative social expectations by promoting the perceptions and expectations of the social environment of more positive people," says study co-author Jennifer Trew of the Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada , who added that this helps people "reduce their levels of social anxiety and, in turn, decreases the propensity to want to avoid social situations."

The social anxiety disorder They make people feel threatened or anxious to mix with others. It's more than being just shy. The disorder can make people so uncomfortable that they avoid socializing altogether so as not to deal with anguish or possible embarrassment.

The four-week study involved 115 undergraduate students with high levels of social anxiety. The students were randomly divided into three groups. The first was asked to perform acts of kindness, such as washing the dishes of a roommate, cutting a neighbor's lawn, or donating to a charity. The second group was exposed to social interactions, but they were instructed not to participate in good works. The third team recorded what happened on a daily basis, but these participants were not given specific instructions on how to interact with others.

The study reveals that the group involved in acts of kindness had the greatest reduction in their desire to avoid social interactions This occurred in a major way during the first part of the intervention, the research highlights.

The researchers conclude that the Good actions they are a valuable tool to help people with social anxiety and interact with others more easily, alleviating fears of possible rejection. A conclusion that was published in the magazine Motivación y Emoción.

Video Medicine: How To Stop Being Shy And Quiet - 12 Tips To Overcome Shyness (April 2024).