Get up on time and expect complications!

Did you know that your habits can impact your oral health and cause other problems in your body? That's right, both arthritis of the temporomandibular joint and the lack of free movement are related to habits, says Jaime Edelson Tishman, president of the ADM-IAP Foundation.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the specialist details that some people make excessive use of the joints of the mouth when they squeeze or grind their teeth, but, what are the damages by tightening the teeth ?


Get up on time and expect complications!

Jaime Edelson Tishman mentions that the joint The temporomandibular is unique throughout the body and moves whenever it is spoken or chewed, and it is very important that it moves on both sides.

Otherwise, squeezing, scraping or grinding teeth , especially when the person sleeps, can begin to misalign this jaw and present damages such as:


  1. Clicks
  2. Impediment to open the mouth completely
  3. Pain in the jaw
  4. Migraine upon awakening
  5. Neck Pain

"Any muscle of our body would endure to exercise six or eight hours in a row ", so the jaw is not the exception assured by the president of the ADM-IAP Foundation.

For this reason, it is important that people are cared for on time, to avoid arthritis of the temporomandibular joint and have a better quality of life. Take care of your teeth with good oral hygiene and good habits. And you, do you move your mouth when sleeping?

Video Medicine: Waking Up After Brain Surgery! (April 2024).