The Vitamin A It is a very important nutrient. It is essential for hair growth and maintenance of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. It is also necessary for vision and plays an important role in bone growth, tooth development, and reproduction.

The best way to get the right amount of Vitamin A is to eat a wide variety of foods that contain it. Supplements are sometimes not recommended as they can cause toxicity.

The best way to obtain it is through the consumption of food. It is cheaper and allows people to obtain other nutrients as well.


Where to find vitamin A

Grain: Cereals and oats.

Fruits: Watermelons, plums, tangerines, melon, mangoes, peaches and pink grapefruit.

Vegetables: Turnips, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, spinach, bananas, cabbage, red pepper, carrots, peas, mustard greens, endive lettuce, romaine lettuce, chicory, chard and broccoli.

Meats: Lean meat, turkey, chicken liver, pork and beef.

Dairy products: Cheeses, yogurt and milk.


Everything in excess is harmful

Take too much Vitamin A of the supplements, could degenerate into hypervitaminosis A, which is basically the toxicity of the vitamin. This results in dry skin, hair loss, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, liver damage and vomiting.

Over time it could result in loss of muscle coordination, blurred vision and dizziness. Too much vitamin A can also cause birth defects. For this reason, it is advisable to obtain it from the foods that contain it, it is healthier and definitely more pleasant.