Female heart stronger than the male ...

Heart attacks and strokes are among the leading causes of death at the national level; however, within the panorama it is the male sector that presents the greatest vulnerability, which imposes a question: why does a woman's heart better resist a heart attack or what makes her heart different?

The right ventricle of a woman's heart is better prepared for heart failure, according to a study published in European Joural of Heart Failure. It also indicates that the male sex is a risk factor in itself.


Female heart stronger than the male ...

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the doctor Enrique Gómez Álvarez, member of the Mexican Association for the Prevention of Atherosclerosis and its complications (AMPAC) It explains what differences exist in the heart of a man and woman.


Heart attack in women, find out!

One of the difficulties that most of us are exposed to, is the little information that exists about the symptoms of infarction, which change between a man and a woman. Therefore, with information from Womens health.gov, we present 4 symptoms of heart attack in women:

1. Acute pain in the upper part of the body, in the neck, back and jaw.

2. Intense lack of air.

3. Cold sweat, and you know it's not menopause.

4. Unusual or unexplained fatigue (tiredness).

Remember, your health is in your hands. When you feel some of these symptoms go to a health expert. Do not leave it for tomorrow, since there may not be another opportunity!