Feeding children on vacation

It is known to many feeding plays a very important role in children, as they contribute to healthy growth and development, however once children leave holidays , good nutrition and nutrition They also go on vacation.

During this time commonly children and even dads modify notably the daily routine , altering all the schedules , from the time of getting up, to the time to sleep, including feeding time and also the type of physical exercises performed.

For this it is very important that potatoes procure certain Actions for not suffer the consequences of a sudden change of customs and not affect the feeding of their children in rest time:

  • To have healthy snacks or snacks : fruits, vegetables, fresh cheeses, crackers and dairy
  • Try keep the lunch hours as close to the usual
  • Have available natural water to favor hydration instead of sugary drinks or soft drinks
  • Share with the children food preparation , making time in the kitchen fun
  • Moderate the consumption of sweets or sweets , especially when they are in front of the television
  • Dispose of more time for make the foods , since there is no pressure to get to school early
  • Carry out as much as possible between 3 to 5 meals a day

In children, the three times of food are not always enough to satisfy their hunger and consume all the necessary nutrients, however by the lag holiday schedule can make 2 or even 1 meal a day, or otherwise, the same tranquility and relaxation causes the little ones to do continuous stops in the kitchen causing them to eat all day, include small refreshments can help the craving not dominate in this vacation.

A healthy snack must be varied, including at least the 3 food groups (fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes and products of animal origin). They must also cover the energy and nutrient requirements necessary for each stage and be attractive for children's taste and sight.

Depending on the place and the activities you carry out during this holiday, we can incorporate other recommendations.

If you leave camp :

  • To buy milk powder only if it is going to be consumed at the moment
  • Make sure that the Water be potable
  • Moderate the consumption of canned food for its high sodium content
  • If the excursion or the walk is several hours included in the backpack, energy products : whole grain crackers, bread, fruit, energy bars and water above all

If the holidays are on the beach :

  • Consume abundantly Cool drinks especially natural water , if we also do intense physical activity
  • If you eat food on the beach, choose those prepared in places that they offer safety and hygiene
  • Enter the sea 2 or 3 hours later to eat so that it gives time to digest food
  • Avoid prepare meals in the mornings They will be consumed many hours later, since they can decompose and cause discomfort or illness.

Enjoying a well-deserved vacation also depends on the attitude and responsibility of that time for us and the children, knowing how to choose the quality and quantity of foods that we consume will make the permits we give ourselves in this short period will not then be a burden of guilt, extra kilos or bad habits for the rest of the year.

Mtra Saby Camacho López MCS, NC, LN.

National Director of Nutrition UVM

Video Medicine: Aruba One Happy Island | Flamingo & Iguana Hand Feeding (April 2024).