Fast food generates asthma?

Lack of time, stress or simply laziness are some of the causes that increase the consumption of fast food; However, and beyond the excess of calories, fat and salt that these foods contain, what other damage can they cause?

Fast food or fast foot (in English) are among the main causes that have contributed to the fact that in the country 39% of the adult population is overweight and obese, as indicated by the Pan American Health Organization .

Not only can overeating in fast food lead to obesity, a study by scientists from New Zealand, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom suggests that there is a relationship between these foods and asthma.

According to the research, teenagers are almost 40% more likely to suffer severe asthma if they eat hamburgers and other types of fast foot more than three times a week. In the case of children between 6 and 7 years, the risk increases by 27%; In addition, it also increased their chances of developing other types of complications: severe accemas, drips and rhinitis.

Through a project called International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, which was published by the magazine Thorax, a questionnaire was made to a group of parents who had children of 6 and 14 years of age. In the test they were asked to describe the type of feeding the infants had.

Although the exact reason why fast food increases the chances of developing these diseases is unknown, the specialist Heather Zar , director of pediatric pulmonology in the Children's Hospital of the Red Cross in Cape Town and principal investigator in the study, points out that this is one more proof to demonstrate that these foods, and obesity and overweight, are serious problems, of international order.

Fast food contains high levels of saturated fatty acids which affect the immune system of people, research specialists think that this could be one of the causes that intervenes for infants to develop these diseases by consuming large amounts of these foods .

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Video Medicine: Best Foods To Eat That Fight Asthma - 7 Best Foods To Eat That Fight Asthma (April 2024).