Faces we see, crimes we do not know

The portraits spoken they are key elements to clarify cases of kidnapping, robbery and other crimes. An ally of this tool is the Computer Aided Spoken Portrait System CARAMEX , an image archive developed by physical anthropologists of the UNAM and the General Directorate of Expert Services of the Attorney General's Office of the Federal District (PGJDF).

With the information provided by the victim of a crime, the expert in Spoken portrait can combine more than 500 images of facial elements, skin peculiarities (freckles, moles, wrinkles) and other characteristics such as beard, mustache and hair. In addition to accessories such as lenses, caps and earrings with which the described appearance can be achieved.

Currently, with this tool, in the PGJDF an average of 900 are made monthly portraits spoken .

The French Alphonse Bertillon He is considered the "father of the spoken portrait". In 1879 he presented the first anthropomorphic system that included physical features such as height, weight, color of hair and eyes, head shapes and tattoos, among others.

In Mexico, it was Sergio Carvajal Jaubert who introduced, in the decade of the sixties, the descriptions of the eyewitnesses as a fundamental element to elaborate a Spoken portrait . This revolutionized the field of police investigation worldwide.

Today, this computer-assisted portrait system is unique in the world and is the product of extensive anthropological research to identify the typical facial forms of the Mexican population, a mixture of three races: indigenous, European and African.

For this, the faces of 3,000 men and women in urban areas were photographed, places where the main physical types of the country converge. The images, taken from the front and profile, at the same distance, were digitized. The anthropologists analyzed the facial forms and selected the most frequent ones.

Thus, since 1996, the Attorney General of the Federal District uses CARAMEX to reconstruct the identity of criminals. The same artists who made the portraits in pencil were trained in the management of this computerized system. Now its use has been extended to other institutions of investigation and prevention of crimes in the country.

Last year, the UNAM presented the second version of CARAMEX with a new collection of images that allows us to elaborate portrait more quickly If you are the victim of a crime it is important that you identify your aggressor. Denounce it!

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