Facebook and Twitter reveal the happiest days of the year

A study applied in the United States measured the levels of happiness Y sadness on Facebook and Twitter through the valuation of words that people use in their post Y tweets from 2007 to date.

In this research, published in the journal PLoS One, they examined more than 46 billion words to which I assign a value. The highest was for words such as "laughter" and "happy", while the minors were assigned to others as "depression ”, “sadness "And" terrorism. "

They also monitored the annual, weekly and daily variations in mood since 2007, resulting in Saturday being the happiest day, followed by Friday and Sunday. While Tuesday is the day with less messages of joy.

The dates that register more messages of joy are: Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day, mother's and father's day, independence and during Holy Week.

On the contrary, those that registered the least number of messages were during the pandemic of H1N1 virus , the day of the death of Osama bin Laden , Michael Jackson Y Patrick Swayze , and during natural disasters such as the chilean earthquake.

In this sense, the specialists comment on the importance of this type of studies is that they are a sample of the specific patterns of behavior and habits of users of social networks.

However, one of the main results of the investigation remains to be discussed: people feel less happy each year, the greatest expression of joy happens only on very significant dates. And you, what kind of public messages on your social networks?

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